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Qu-Ax Cross 20" x 2.5" Tyre

After the release of the new Qu-Ax Cross 20" x 2.5" Tyre which is the biggest tyre that we do for 20" Rims. We thought we better check on what unicycle it actually fits.

After trying a few frames we are happy to say that it fits a lot of 20" Unicycles we supply. This tyre DOES NOT fit 19" Unicycles.

20" Hoppley Beginner Unicycle
20" Trainer Unicycle
20" Club Freestyle Unicycle
20" Qu-Ax 'Luxus' Unicycle
20" Qu-Ax 'Profi' Unicycle
20" Qu-Ax 'Crossfire' Trials Unicycle
20" Nimbus II Unicycle
20" Kris Holm 'Flatland' Unicycle

Good work Qu-Ax. Now make a 19" version.


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