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Pedal Adjustment Tutorial
Here is a quick tutorial on how to adjust your pedal bearings. If your pedals are clicking or spin to freely, this tutorial will show you how to adjust them. These problems can happen from new or from warn pedals.
The video we have produced is...
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What is the red liquid supplied with some cranks?
This is grease.
It's primary use is to put on the splines. ISIS is a tapered spline. This means to that to lock it in place it needs to be forced up a spline to the lock surface. The correct distance from the point where the crank is placed on ...
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General Unicycle maintenance
Unicycles are not complicated but they do take a little bit of maintaining. Here are some of the key points:
Creaking Cranks
Stop riding immediately and tighten! If these are left they will destroy the cranks and hub. The creak comes ...
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What size seatpost clamp do I need?
Bikes have always specified the clamps by the frame size and there are lots of sizes. luckily unicycles have considerably fewer. The seatpost clamp is alway related to the frame outer dimension, not the seatpost. Although there are some simple rules w...
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How to remove Qu-Axle cranks
It is sometimes difficult to remove the cranks from a Q-Axle hub. These hubs/cranks are splined with a single larger space to keep direction correct. There is no crank extractor for this kind of hub so you need to widen the pinch of the crank. Here is ...
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How to change bearings
Bearings on unicycles generally last a long time; even when you take your unicycle in a fountain, or the sea, or just splashing around in the mud. They do give up in the end though; normally at the worst moment possible. You hear them grinding first, t...
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How to change cranks
Here are some instructions how to change cranks over on your unicycle. There are four types of cranks commonly found on unicycles: cotterless, ISIS, splined and cotter-pinned.
Cotterless Cranks
This is the standard crank that comes on...
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How to bleed your Shimano brakes
Should you find that your brake lever is becoming spongy, this often implies that the brake system has air in it. This is normal in use and can be rectified by bleeding the brakes. Most of the unicycle disk brakes are now shimano models, but the techn...
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How to replace your pads on a disc brake
Your brake pads need replacing relatively frequently. Luckily they are not expensive and it is an easy job to do.
Remember it is your safely that counts here, do not skimp on this service. Especially if you are predicting doing long down hill s...
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How to service your brake calipers
Over time your brake caliper performance may deteriorate as they get dirty. You can quite easily service them to bring them back to full performance by checking, cleaning and lubricating them:
The maintenance is critical to the longevity o...
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Building a unicycle wheel - a guide to the amateur
So WHY Build a Unicycle Wheel?
This article aims to provide all the information you need to build your own wheels. There is also the question why would anyone want to? Is it only for geeks and mad men (or women, we do need to be PC here!)? W...
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Building a simple unicycle truing stand
It is often a problem that bike shops have when they come to building unicycle wheels, their truing stands do not fit on to unicycle wheels. This is due to bikes having internal bearings and unicycles having external. There is a solution with the Read more
Tuning new cranks on a twin chain giraffe unicycle
If you ever have to replace the cranks on a twin chain giraffe unicycle you will need to “tune” the chain system so that the two chains work correctly together. You will know if you need to tune the chain system if one chain is tight at the front while...
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