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Tagged with 'Tyre'

[How-To] Removing and Refitting Tyres

Removing Tyres

Removing tyres is easy, but if you are unsure here is a quick video showing the way I do it. We've had a few messages from customers that were unable to remove tyres from Unicycles with wide rims, these feature on all the Kris Holm Unicycles and many others.

Inner Tubes

Inner tubes are sensitive things. Even with a protective rubber tire over them, sharp objects can penetrate your treads and puncture the tube. This can occur very suddenly and take your Unicycle out of commission. Most long-distance riders carry a spare tube (sometimes two) with them when riding their Unicycle. If you have to change out your inner tube, one of the toughest aspects of the procedure will be removing the tyre from the rim.

YouTube Channel

We don't "Vlog" but we are trying to release frequent videos on all aspects of Unicycling. We are mainly focusing on "How-To" videos at the moment, giving helpful tips on keeping your Unicycling going. To checkout our channel click here.


New OBR Gekok Trials Tyre in stock

The new OBR Gekok 19" Trials tyre now available

This tyre has been tested around the world by various top bike and Unicycle riders.

Large volume 19" tyre that is bigger than most on the market but only weighs 820g (weights can vary between tyres)




With the tyre being our only point of contact with the ground, and only one of them makes it a pretty necessary part of your unicycle.  So checking your tyres regularly to make sure they have no damage, uneven wear or just no grip cause you've been riding so much is quite important.  Alot of unicyclists wear their tyres unevenly, generally from idling, or gliding, so rotating your tyre can help prolong it's life.


But should you find yourself in need of a new tyre or you just want to try a different tread pattern here at Unicycle.com we carry a large selection of tyres, and can offer advise on what to pick to suite your needs.

19" Trials and Flatland tyres
16"/18"/20" Freestyle/general riding tyres
24"/26" General and Muni tyres
29" Muni and Road tyres
and of course 36" tyres for big wheel road/off road Unicycle

New lightweight TA 36" Tyre

The Qu-Ax TA (36 x 2 1/4) tyre has been around for many a year now and has proved itself as a fine road going tyre. Until now though it has always been a little on the heavy side sitting at about 2.5 kg. We have just received the new lightweight version of this tyre. The tyre tread has stayed the same but the weight has dropped to just over 1.6kg. So if your in the market for a new lightweight tyre for your 36 road Unicycle perhaps this is worth a consideration.


Light weight 29" tyre back in stock

The Rubena light weight 29 inch tyre is back in stock. This tyre is great for off-road cross country style riding. The Kevlar bead helps to keep the weight below 700g and the tread keeps you pointing in the right direction.

All in all, we think a great light weight tyre for eating up the miles off road.

Qu-Ax Cross 20" x 2.5" Tyre

After the release of the new Qu-Ax Cross 20" x 2.5" Tyre which is the biggest tyre that we do for 20" Rims. We thought we better check on what unicycle it actually fits.

After trying a few frames we are happy to say that it fits a lot of 20" Unicycles we supply. This tyre DOES NOT fit 19" Unicycles.

20" Hoppley Beginner Unicycle
20" Trainer Unicycle
20" Club Freestyle Unicycle
20" Qu-Ax 'Luxus' Unicycle
20" Qu-Ax 'Profi' Unicycle
20" Qu-Ax 'Crossfire' Trials Unicycle
20" Nimbus II Unicycle
20" Kris Holm 'Flatland' Unicycle

Good work Qu-Ax. Now make a 19" version.
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