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Coast 2 Coast Unicycle Ride 10th - 12th August 2012

Whitehaven to Sunderland 134miles

Dane Smith | Matt Morris | Duncan Clark | Marc Stott | Julian Page

The ride started at Whitehaven we all met up at 10am, dipped the wheel(s) in the sea and set off. Marc had not prepared well and had to drop out. We continued up the trail out of a sunny Whitehaven and got our only puncture on my bike. Then a couple of miles later my chain broke. Not a good start.  With a rapid repair we set off for the Whinlatter pass and down into Keswick. Then out on a fantastic railway trail that leads eastwards starting from the leisure complex.

We finished day 1 camping at the Crafty Café in Greystoke. They have a bunk house and a small area for camping. Setting out early on Saturday we climbed through Penrith and stopped before the start of the hills to change cranks –longer ones for the climb. We had two pairs of 150’s and one pair of 165’s. There was some arguments who would get the 165”s Dane eventually agreed or rather grumbled the least.

How the lads climbed those hills is was amazing. They easily beat my bike “plod uphill mode” and they only had to walk up two short sections. One coming out of Garrigill –they went the off road way and again out of Rookhope where the trail was cut up. The second night was camping in Rookhoop although Matt and I opted for the bunkhouse. Matt set up a slack-line in the children’s playground that evening but I bottled out.

The last day started with a rough climb out of Rookhope then another crank change, before starting the slow descent to Sunderland, but a side-wind kept the unicyclists grumbling. The Waskerley Way has been resurfaced and is good to ride on, as is the Consett to Sunderland Trail. It’s flat but winds through towns for part of the way.

The last section along the River Wear was sunny but windy and we finished with the usual pictures and more tyre dipping in the sea on the Promenade. A great three days, will have to plan another… Many thanks to Matt’s mum, Julie for moving the kit around

Sorest Knee - Dane –he even had to resort to painkillers
Most UPD’s - Duncan –but he had only had his 36’ unicycle for 2 months!
Best Crash -  Matt outside of a pub full of people
Best Artistic Crash - Matt with a UPD, the unicycle ending upside-down in a hedge!
Best wound -  Dane (abrasions to knee, elbow and hand)


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