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Tagged with 'Container'

Container day

Container day
We received a container today. This tops up our warehouse and brings many of the out of stock unicycles back in to stock, this includes the Nimbus 29" which has become so popular we are stuggling to keep it in stock.

Container day in the Snow

Monday 6th December 2010
Temperature: -12 Degrees C
Location: UDC HQ in Billingham

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Container arrives... on the wrong type of trailer. Oh well, get on with it. Container reverses on to estate, slides and gets stuck, blocking the main entrance to the estate. After lots of huffing and puffing and breaking of shovels (thanks Nick), we decide to unload the container thereon the ice!

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Lots and lots of lifting, walking, pushing and moving to empty the container. We did try getting some help to move the truck.. he failed! The heavy duty shunt lorry also failed and got stuck on the gate as well. Thewhole lot did not get moved for 8 hours.

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This is one container we will certainly remember!
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