They plan to complete the 140 mile ride, from Whitehaven to Sunderland in 4-5 days. They have been out in the Peak District training hard most weekends, riding upto 40 miles in a day! They will ride special 29” wheeled unicycles with hydraulic brakes. These are designed for covering larger distances over rough terrain. They plan to camp each night. If successful they will be the youngest ever to complete this challenge.
Last summer William, James and their sister Elizabeth [11] invited Anastasia an 9 year old from Belarus to live with them for a month. This was part of a health programme arranged with Friends of Chernobyl Children.
Children living close to the Chernobyl site are brought over to the UK each year, for three years to help, living with host families for a month each time. This provides significant health benefits at a critical time of their development.
William and James live in Gratton near Bakewell.
You can learn more about this charity ride and sponsor William and James by visiting http://www.justgiving.com/c2cunicycle