The all new Qu-Ax 'Q-Handle' is now available.
This Handle will fit pretty much all Unicycles (with the exception of the Nimbus Nightfox). This handle clamps either to your seatpost or replaces your seatpost clamp and clamps directly to your frame, so It doesn't matter what saddle you currently use or even change to in the future this will fit.
The bow section has a 22.2mm diameter so all your usual handle bar accessories will fit nicely just where you need them.
It's light too, at just 590g it's lighter than the Kris Holm T-Bar and the Nimbus Shadow Handle.
As for strength, time will tell but it all seems good so far, when we constructed the handle to photograph it, it seemed pretty rigid and considerably less flexible than other setups we have had in the past.
Qu-Ax 'Q-Handle' Touring handle
- 4 Feb 2015