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  • Putting together a UDC Penny Farthing (Videos)

    Here is an in-depth video showing how to build one of our UDC Mk4 Penny Farthings. We start right at the beginning unpacking the PF, then constructing the Rear Spine and finally mounting it all together. Plus, now we have our Penny Farthing together, t...
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  • What size Penny Farthing to buy?

    When buying a Penny Farthing it is important to know what size you require. You cannot just put the seat up or down!

    A wheel that is too large or too small will result in an uncomfortable ride. For general riding follow that table shown below. ...
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  • Assisted Penny Farthing Mount (Video)

    In this video we show you an effective and safe way of teaching someone how to mount a Penny Farthing. With this technique you can teach anyone to ride a Penny Farthing / Ordinary Bicycle. This is a great base for anyone just starting to learn to ride....
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  • How to mount a Penny Farthing

    We have had many requests for a video and instruction on how to mount a Penny Farthing. Here is a video that illustrates how to mount and dismount a UDC Mk4 Penny Farthing safely. It also explains the key areas to look out for on the mounting and dis...
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  • Braking techniques on Penny Farthings (Video)

    In this video we go over a few different braking techniques on a UDC Penny Farthing, showing the differences. Then you can use your own judgment which technique would be best for the situation your facing.

    Please check out the rest of our YouTu...
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  • UDC Penny Farthings Manufacturers Page

    UDC Penny Farthings are from the worlds leading manufacturer and distributor of modern penny farthings.

    They supply penny farthings for all your needs; whether you are just riding or racing and trying break a world record. UDC stands for Unicyc...
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