JL from Northwest Unicyclists: I feel compelled to write a few things about the unicycle group I’m a part of…
Over recent months I’ve struggled with many different things and slowly over time became detached from my circus skills, I especially lacked the urge to unicycle. However it was impossible to ignore how much fun so many friends were having. I saw the posts/videos and pictures being left on the Facebook group and it would make me want to get up and get riding.

In the past three weeks I’ve rode every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A mixture of muni, trials and other much longer trails. From the photos attached you can see that our rides are inclusive of all abilities, ages and unicycle size/type. I feel riding with others is far more enjoyable than riding alone. Riders stick together, look out for one another and generally help pass on skills. Our legendary unicycle sculptures have become a known ride tradition.

With special thanks to Julian Page, I feel the group – and what it provides is really helping lift my spirits. I am back unicycling and enjoying all my circus skills as much as I always have!