UNICON the unicycle world championships.

UNICON is by way and far largest and diverse unicycle event in the world. All unicycle disciplines from freestyle to trials to Muni and racing are incorporated. The event is held over 14 days, every 2 years. The next event is in July/August 2018 in Korea.
UK Team
The UK team is typically about 30 people and consists of a mixture of abilities. Some of them are beginners and want to attend just to see other riders compete, to the manic expert riders who will bring home medals.
UNICON Newsletter
If you are interested in the event do register your interest on the UNICON website so you receive their newsletter. You can see Newsletter 3 here. They have important information about the change in venue, the event is now in Ansan, not Seoul.
Joining the UK team
Also contact us at Unicycle.com and we can advise you about the event and how to enter. We generally help co-ordinate the UK team and want to hear from you.
Closing dates...
The entry cost for spectator and competitors increases closer to the event, the first closing date for entries is 14th December 2017. So don't dawdle!