Winter EUC 2019 was a only put on the calendar at the last minute but it filled up rapidly. The event was hosted at it's old home in Koln. The venue has a large warehouse hall and massive skatepark next door. This as always creates a dynamic and fun event.
We had riders from our 3 teams present. Impact, Nimbus and our UDC Ambassadors. As always the teams performed well. With awards for Roos Seegers (UDC), Mimo Seedler (Impact), Tim Desmet (Impact) and Mike Taylor (Impact). We also had Simon Berry (UDC) commentating on the some of the competitions. Full results here
Mimo from Impact who is one of the most dynamic and hard riders currently on the scene was presented with a special CrMo frame. The frame has been designed specially for him to give him a super durable frame without loosing him any of the functions he is needing. He rode on this all weekend.
You can see much of the event on YouTube.
As always at these events there is a fantastic social side. The evening party/competitions was lots of fun. With BeerPong tournament taking centre stage.