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Tagged with 'Products'

Latest Kris Holm products have arrived... Finally.

We have finally got stock of all the latest Kris Holm products. We've got the latest Kris Holm frames, which now has a one-piece forged fork crown and neck incorporates the best characteristics of both flat top and rounded designs, with a stable platform and rounded corners to avoid bashed knees.

We've also got in stock the new Spirit hubs! Which are now a one piece item with centre of the axle tapering slightly giving an hour-glass shape to reduce weight all while maintaining strength.

Check out all the other new Kris Holm products on our New Products page.

Office Fun 'Part1'

Nick and myself have been testing a product we found in the loft here at UDC headquarters...

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"oo its going well!"

[caption id="attachment_1401" align="alignnone" width="560" caption=" "] [/caption]

Que cheesey grins! (Do you think Nick noticed i've stolen hes Ray-Ban's?)

[caption id="attachment_1400" align="alignnone" width="560" caption=" "] [/caption]

We give this product the UDC seal of approval.
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