The race was meant to be a 20 minute then 2 laps. Just before the race they announced that the race was going to be cut down to 15 minute race and then 2 laps... then as we were on the start line they announced that it would only be a 2 lap race. Several riders walked off in protest. Unfortunately the organisers of the Nocturne have done them selves and London a big disservice. Had it not been for the spectators who had came especially to see the penny farthing racing a lot more riders would have walked off in protest. The sprint was won by Gerald Minichofer closely followed by Alexander Voisine and Arie Leifhebber. Roger came 5th.

On a bright sunny day along the front at Eastbourne was set out a basic L shaped course with only one really technical tight U turn. The race was 30 minutes (no messing here!). The atmosphere was totally different from the Nocturne it was organised and respectful. The race was fantastic and went a long way to making up for the farce which was the Nocturne this year.
The race was a proper battle between Gerald Minichofer, Richard Thoday, Joff Sommerfield and Unicycle.com rider Roger Davies. They finished in this order but there was many times when each of the riders where battling for the front.