Fancy being part of a great event that could see us collectively ride over 2700km? Or come and battle it out for the individual title and win up to £100? Two years ago we rode 2743 km collectively and this year we would like to break that record. Do 1 lap or 100 laps it doesn't matter, it all counts!
Find out more and register here
Here are a few photos from the last time we did this event in 2012

We are raising money for St Teresa’s hospice in memory of our friend Mike Berriman. Mike is greatly missed at our unicycle club. There are sponsorship packs available for any one who would like to raise money for St Teresa’s hospice, who cared for Mike.Please Email
[email protected] if you would like a pack.
We also have a
JUST giving page for those who would like to give a donation or to send the link to family and friends for sponsorship.
Video from 2012