The Dusseldorf Marathon is the premier unicycle race in the world. The current world record for 42km was set on this course. This year there was 91 starters in 2 categories, standard and unlimited. There were 4 UK riders racing this year; Sam Wakling, Alan Hogan, Susan Boe and Roger Davies (from UDC); we also had 2 hangers on from the USA in our camp Nick Martin and Nathan Hoover. As it was exceptionally wet this year there was no records broken... that does not mean there was not any great racing! This year there was a large leading group of Unlimited Schlumpf riders who battled throughout the whole race with Scott Wilton winning the final sprint ahead of Christoph Hatmann and Sam Wakling. Roger and Nathan who came 11 and 14 over all also came back with trophies with gaining 2nd and 3rd place in the 50+ age group.
You can see full results


If you are interested in more racing then the UK have 3 long distance races coming up:
Pennies in the Park - 17th May 2014
Horwich festival of cycling - 15th June 2014
JUST 24 hour event - 26th July 2014