Cameron Peacock
BUC was amazing! It was lots of fun, it was good meeting some new people, and meeting up with some friends. The competitions were really fun, i'm pleased about where i placed in trials, Flatland and High jump. Overall, BUC was a really fun weekend and i cant wait to meet everyone again next year.

Julian Page
As someone who is not particularly into trials and street, the BUC did have something for everyone. Roger did a couple of excellent workshops on unicycle maintenance and wheel building. On the strength of it I straightened out a kink in my 29" when I got home and the brake no longer catches. A couple of rides out to the sea and up the Taff trail were great. The evening entertainment was well worth watching especially Roary's parents juggling -further inspiring me to get my clubs out and juggle some more. It was good to see the enthusiasm and passion from "our" special family of unicyclists. Long may it continue.

Mike Taylor
One on my favorite BUC's so far everything was organised well and everything went to plan. Nofitstate was a great little venue which suited BUC perfectly with its own sleeping accommodation which was good for the riders. The indoor facilities were also good and suited the unicycling scene well with the hall/freestyle area and trials/street/flatland areas all being close to each other so everyone got to see a bit of everything while competing at the same time. I thought all the competitions were carried out well and everyone had a really enjoyable time in taking part plus the weather couldn't have been better! apart from the slight sun burn. All in all I think every BUC that happens is such a great atmosphere for younger and older riders. Younger riders get to meet the pros and vise verser, people learn new things from each other and many friends are made in the process. I think BUC is essential every year to keep the unicycle community active and to keep riders working for the competitions and for the great times of course. Amazing Weekend!

Claire Page
It was my first BUC ever and the best unicycle event I have been to. I met SO many new people. The female flatland competition was the first proper competition I have ever entered and was really fun. The thing I liked most about BUC is that there is always someone to give you any tips or advice. Throughout the weekend there was always something going on for all abilities. The evening performance was a great ending to Saturday and included things I have never seen done before! If you didn't come to BUC this year, I strongly recommend you go to next years!