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Alwen Trail
7.5 miles around Lake Alwen, did it on smooth tyred 29inch road unicycles. A bit difficult for me but Ben was fine. Probably better on MUNI. It’s a good trail about half on great single tracks and half on firm forest roads. Good views of the lake. Free parking -easy to follow with little chance of getting lost. Ben said it was his BEST trail ever!! I would agree but on my 26inch MUNI!
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Lakes Vyrnwy
12 miles quiet road going around lake Vyrnwy, a few gentle hills, but we made it around with NO UPD's. Free parking at head of lake and also at the south end near the Café.
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Brenig Trail
9.5 miles around lake Brenig next to the Alwen Trail. Mostly forest tracks with good surface and a mile section on very quiet main road. Pay and display at the Brenig Visitors Centre. They have toilets and a café. We then went back to the Alwen Trail -a bit much for me - I struggled but we had a great chill on a beach by the lake.
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On the last day we planned to do the Alwen Trail again but the weather broke and I was feeling my achillies tendon so we decided to do part of the Wirral Way on the way home. A great long weekend -but tiring.
Llwyn Onn Guest House - Campsite