The 6th British Unicycle Road Race
The Horwich unicycle road race is now in its 6th year!!
June 17 @ 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
The race will be held on the 17th June 2018, with the Unicycle race starting at 1:05pm
Entry fee
£15 (Adults) £10 (u18)
The race consists of 7 (1 mile) laps of Horwich Town Centre course. You need to be at the start, next to the town hall well before 1pm. When the race leader has completed 7 laps, all other competitors will be finished as they pass the finishing line. Some competitors may be finished earlier to ensure the course is free for the next race.

This year it is likely to be difficult as Horwich Leisure Centre (BL6 5PY) is being redeveloped and has lost its car park, so parking will be in local streets. Be aware that the roads around Horwich are closed for the day but you can still access the Leisure Centre from Exit 6, M61.
You can enter on-line before the event but it’s much easier to complete the TLI Cycling entry forms and pay (cash only) on the day. As I need to sort the race numbers out, please facebook message or e-mail me at [email protected]. The commentator likes to have some information on the riders so could you give me some brief details or I will make it up!

Registration on the day:
On arrival, register at the Horwich Bowling Hut (behind the town hall), Jones Street, Horwich, BL6 7AQ. You MUST sign a form for the insurance and get your race number. Entry Fee £15 (Adults) £10 (under 18) payable in cash on the day. If you are under 16 you must get your parent or guardian to complete a consent form.

We usually gather at the small grassy area next to the town hall, bring juggling stuff and make a day of it. Toilets are next to the bowling hut and there are a few shops and pubs around to buy food.

There will be trophies for first, second and third male, first and second lady, and, first and second under 16.

You MUST wear a cycle helmet.
For more details go to:-