This weeks Deal Of The Week is the 24" Ultimate wheel. The RRP is £135 and for the next week you can get this for only £105, but only until the January 24th 2019.

- Ultra-stiff 7005 Aluminium frame.
- Anodised Grey
- Reinforced pedal bosses.
- Skinny high pressure tyre.
- Dynamic construction.
A really dynamic design of ultimate wheel. Although harder to ride than the 28", the 24" is the most common size for tricks.
Wheel Size: 24"
Weight: 2.65kg (5lb 13oz)
Colour: Anodised Silver.
Pedals: Round pedals, 9/16 thread.
Pedal pitch: 250mm (same as 125mm cranks on unicycle)
Tyre: 24x1.75" high pressure.
Note: Care should be taken on an ultimate wheel when riding to be sure that they are ridden the correct way around - the right foot needs to be on the right pedal and left on left. If they are ridden wrong way around the pedals will come loose and strip the thread. Never ride with loose pedals.
Heres what Mike said about the 24" Nimbus Ultimate wheel
I owned the older Nimbus 24" UW for several years so I can do a direct comparison. This new one is very noticeably lighter, better made and more attractive. The six spoke design makes it unlikely that your foot will go through the wheel when you fall off (which could happen on the old 4 spoke design). The pedals are grippy enough for riding in the dry and the fact that they are plastic means they will cause less damage to floors in sports halls etc. The box section of the spokes is narrower than the old design, and the sockets for the pedals are flush to the surface and stronger than on the old design. As the whole thing is narrower, there is less Q factor, which means it is easier to ride. The Nimbus 24 UW is an excellent, attractive, robust piece of kit and I'm pleased I bought it. BUT, I dislike the tyre which is narrow, low volume and very tight on the rim (difficult to remove) and - worst of all - has projections along the edge that cause unnecessary extra friction on your leg armour or jeans. By changing the tyre to one with smoother edges, I was instantly able to ride many times further, faster and with more comfort. This is a great ultimate wheel, but factor in the cost of a fatter smother tyre for best results. As always, the service from was excellent. I ordered on a Sunday and received it on the Tuesday.